There’s a heat wave? Why is it so cold…

The month after the Fourth of July break, it was collectively decided to just kind of push through the next month. No more long breaks, just lots of working with a one day break every week or so to shower and do laundry. During one of these sessions, we all huddled around laptops for a morning, submitting time sheets, applying to jobs (me), and working on abstracts for an upcoming conference (Jaime and Paul). The Today show served as background noise for much of the morning until the weather report across the nation caught my attention. I hadn’t realized it, but apparently this is one of the hottest years on record. The whole country was doused in bright reds and oranges with a flashy sun-proclaiming warm, hot, or sizzling. It was “sizzling” over Virginia with greater than 100 degree weather. I had to laugh. It has been consistently 40 or 50 degrees since I arrived on the Olympic peninsula, with cold sheets of rain never seeming to cease. One particularly warm day where I only wore two layers of clothes, Chris had exclaimed that morning: “wow, it’s 9am and already 60 degrees!” Part of me wanted to be in the warm summer weather, but I have lived through too many Norfolk/Williamsburg summers to have had any sort of jealousy. Where is the happy medium?